I while back ago I wrote a Music Video called Bon Dia. It's probably the most viewed video on my youtube and I would agree, It's fucking epic and I feel like it's a video that carried the music very well and I guess it talks to people , in a way. My friend Travis and Natasha really like it and they both wanted to download the song. So, here you go guys, here is where you can download it.
The song was recorded in one night and then I went back home to see an old friend of mine in Arlington, VA. The first shots were of my walk going to the Ballston Station and the last long shot was me going to meet my friend at like 7am on the train from Glenmont. Of course, Bon Dia means good day, so I guess in the video I'm saying good morning while I go and visit an old friend.
Also my friend Travis has a really great YouTube channel where he takes a lot of his favorite music and makes short little videos out of them. Sort of what I do but, a little bit better.
Jones Pure Cane Soda: Root Beer.
Just finished a new video. I get to finally put Root Beer as the co-star in my video and also use some old footage from a few years back. Also I get to show how much I love Hockey and write in a style of music I haven't written in since I first started to play guitar. Anyways, I used a song I wrote called Sometimes in the video to try and tell a story with it. I hope it works. I guess we will find out when I am finished with what I am trying to do.
In the old footage, My cousin Alex, Friend Travis and Myself were going to Walgreens to pick up some soda and candy. So, when I was driving there, I like to play this game called Stop Sign. Whenever I see a Stop sign I don't slow down until the last second, then I stop on a dime sending everyone in the car flying forwards while I hold tight to the steering wheel. Also at the end of the video you see 12:03. It really was Laxatives, my cousin was pulling a prank on me. Fun times.
In the old footage, My cousin Alex, Friend Travis and Myself were going to Walgreens to pick up some soda and candy. So, when I was driving there, I like to play this game called Stop Sign. Whenever I see a Stop sign I don't slow down until the last second, then I stop on a dime sending everyone in the car flying forwards while I hold tight to the steering wheel. Also at the end of the video you see 12:03. It really was Laxatives, my cousin was pulling a prank on me. Fun times.
Funeral and A Good Time By Charles Roe (My Father).
Right Click, Save Link As...
There is tons more music slash photos slash things on his website CharlesRoe.net
You would say this is the very first music video I directed and filmed in away. My father said he would like a music video, it took awhile to get an idea I liked. After I thought of this it was pretty easy and also the very first time I used a green screen. Although the green screen is really just a greenish bed sheet that my roommate had to divide our living area so we would have some privacy.
The song is longer, but since when I filmed the video I couldn't really think of an idea to fill the space in the one minute plus during the solo bit. So, I took it out since it was like a spacious bridge slash solo thing.
Anyways, Enjoy my dad's music and his first video that I made for him.
Akai LPK 25.
This is the midi keyboard I've been using a lot for most of my videos. I also got this at Chuck Levin's. I've always wanted a midi keyboard to help me write a lot of my songs. I've been hooked on it and use it every time I get. It's a great buy for something cheap and that you need when you're on the go. It doesn't have a name and I think it's mainly because I don't play the keyboard and I really just noodle on this thing. I'm not in love with it like my love for a guitar in my hands.
This is the 3rd Acoustic guitar I've owned, I'm going to call her "2 Be Announced" at the moment. I just bought her a few days ago for $100.00 at the Chuck Levin, right across the street from the mall I work at. I will soon learn to love this guitar, but my last acoustic guitar I owned was awesome. I had to sell it though. I was living with my Ex-girlfriend and we were running low on cash and I sold all of my guitars and pedals. I thought I would be strong, but when I started to make the deal with the guy at the guitar shop, I started to cry. It took me awhile to calm down. But, I will use her and can't wait to record with 2BA.
Titanium \/\/hite.
This is the first new guitar. I bought it during the Labor Day weekend sale at Guitar Center. I got such a great deal on it and it was so beautiful. The first song I wrote with it was The Square Root of Tapping No.1 in D. It didn't have a name for awhile and I normally name my guitars. I came up with Titanium White and thought that was ball'n.
Just finished the new video and got my girlfriend to star in it. I stayed up all night last night watching Doctor Who with the Biffle and had a day with the girlfriend watching Spongebob Squarepants. I've had this idea for a few months now and I'm glad I could finally finish it.
This is part two, the first part is the video Boarding. There's really not much else to say about this video. So, enjoy.
This is part two, the first part is the video Boarding. There's really not much else to say about this video. So, enjoy.
Just Sitting Around.
When I was 16, I did a lot of recording. I wrote countless of songs and recorded them as soon as possible. Back then I didn't accept reality and the reality was that I sucked at singing. But, I was young and it was my first year playing songs and I just wanted to write songs. Everything was new and I was just starting to get my hands dirty in writing and recording songs.
The sad thing is that I don't know if this album is all of the songs I recorded for this album. I don't have the original album or the art work I made for this album. My friend Grace e-mailed me all the tracks and I hope I got everything. Also, what really sucks is that this is only a hand full of the songs I wrote and recorded during this time period. I had 100's of songs and I tried to save them all but the disc I burned it to didn't work, and I didn't realize until all the files were long gone.
The song Hey Baby (Do You Mind) is a love song and the chorus goes like this:
Hey baby, do you mind.
Do you mind if I hold your hand.
Hey baby, do you mind.
Do you mind if we walk together.
So this song helped my friend ask his crush out on a date. They are now married. I feel kind of weird but it's cool.
I've been working on a Revisited album, and I got a few songs left to record. The composing has gotten a lot better but the singing hasn't. Here's that same song but redone years later.
The sad thing is that I don't know if this album is all of the songs I recorded for this album. I don't have the original album or the art work I made for this album. My friend Grace e-mailed me all the tracks and I hope I got everything. Also, what really sucks is that this is only a hand full of the songs I wrote and recorded during this time period. I had 100's of songs and I tried to save them all but the disc I burned it to didn't work, and I didn't realize until all the files were long gone.
The song Hey Baby (Do You Mind) is a love song and the chorus goes like this:
Hey baby, do you mind.
Do you mind if I hold your hand.
Hey baby, do you mind.
Do you mind if we walk together.
So this song helped my friend ask his crush out on a date. They are now married. I feel kind of weird but it's cool.
Hey Baby (Do You Mind)
I've been working on a Revisited album, and I got a few songs left to record. The composing has gotten a lot better but the singing hasn't. Here's that same song but redone years later.
Ever since I heard about Sigur Rós from my good old friend Grace. I fell in love with ambient music. I really can't get enough of it, Chris may have his Interpol, well I have my ambient music. For the past few months, I've been listening to a lot of new stuff other then Sigur Rós. My friend Jeremiah got me into the KEXP Radio YouTube Channel and he told me it's a great place to get awesome music. I'm always looking for awesome music and I found this song by Ólafur Arnalds and it felt like listening to Sigur Rós for the very first time. For about a few weeks, I would always zone out to them while biking to work. I would play it with the volume maxed out and just watch the cars pass by. Coming home from work was so much better because it would always be around 10:30 and no one would be on the roads. It was beautiful. I know I teared up from the extreme calm feeling I would always get listening to bands like Sigur Rós and Ólafur Arnalds.
Also for the past year, I've gotten really into City and Colour, Dallas Green's side project from Alexisonfire. The album Sometimes is just so pretty. I've always wanted to do something like that. So, last night while I was rendering Voice Mail I came up with the rhythm guitar part pretty quickly. I learned a few of City and Colour songs and tuned my guitar kind of like how Dallas Green would tune it for "Save Your Scissors". The 5th string is tuned up to a B and the 1st string is tuned down to a D. The 1st string tuning down to a D is a trick my Dad would use time to time and I also used that trick on the song The Greatest Fear
Anyways, This song is sort of like blending both styles together. I'm going to use this song for a video. It's going to be like a romantic video and I hope my girlfriend will be up for being the star in it.
I know it's getting kind of long, but if you can tell, you will here me sniffle a bit time to time. Joe Pass is a Jazz Guitarist I've liked and in his tracks you will here him breathe from time to time and I've always liked that and felt like almost every band should have a breathing track while they record a soft song. It just adds so much and it's so real.
Also for the past year, I've gotten really into City and Colour, Dallas Green's side project from Alexisonfire. The album Sometimes is just so pretty. I've always wanted to do something like that. So, last night while I was rendering Voice Mail I came up with the rhythm guitar part pretty quickly. I learned a few of City and Colour songs and tuned my guitar kind of like how Dallas Green would tune it for "Save Your Scissors". The 5th string is tuned up to a B and the 1st string is tuned down to a D. The 1st string tuning down to a D is a trick my Dad would use time to time and I also used that trick on the song The Greatest Fear
Anyways, This song is sort of like blending both styles together. I'm going to use this song for a video. It's going to be like a romantic video and I hope my girlfriend will be up for being the star in it.
I know it's getting kind of long, but if you can tell, you will here me sniffle a bit time to time. Joe Pass is a Jazz Guitarist I've liked and in his tracks you will here him breathe from time to time and I've always liked that and felt like almost every band should have a breathing track while they record a soft song. It just adds so much and it's so real.
Moving On (Demo)
Guitar Harmonics.
I've always loved using harmonics on the guitar, but I've never really used them for a song until now. This song is nothing but harmonics. The left hand would be playing fretting the notes and my right hand would be holding the guitar pick with my middle finger and thumb while my index finger would be barely touching the string at the same position my left finger is at, only an octave up on the fret.
The video contains a message from my boss from Hot Topic, I was at American Eagle at the time, so that's why I wasn't able to put up the phone. I did get the message and when I was on my break I walked over there to see what was up and everything was just fine. The second message was for my Roommate/Biffle Chris. Mani was his Boyfriend in New York and he thought it was a touching message, so he told me about it and used it.
The video contains a message from my boss from Hot Topic, I was at American Eagle at the time, so that's why I wasn't able to put up the phone. I did get the message and when I was on my break I walked over there to see what was up and everything was just fine. The second message was for my Roommate/Biffle Chris. Mani was his Boyfriend in New York and he thought it was a touching message, so he told me about it and used it.
Poop Humor.
Django Reinhardt.
I'm lying in my bed, holding my girlfriend.
The faint whispers of the main melody from Brazil
being played by Django Reinhardt on the record player.
The nights are cold here, they've always been cold.
Warm is just a theory now, a vague concept.
The snow covers the grass like a blanket
and the ice covers the road like hot water clinging to your skin,
in the shower I take to feel alive again.
But...I miss Brazil.
I wish this record player can take me there.
But, I would end up with a cold heart
because this album is called,
Jazz in Paris.
This was a drawing I did for art class in high school. I had to keep a journal of art in my sketch pad. I was in the band room and saw the door with the "EXIT" sign, I thought LOVE was a better word. Then BAM! I made art. I just put it to Photoshop and edited it to make it more like a background for the desktop.
A Concept Album on Paper.
About a year ago, I had this idea for an epic concept album that never got off the paper. I have all the ideas written out and the concept of the album is all there, but I just didn't have the write people to do it. I met a great singer on Craigslist and we met up a few times and started playing some really good sounding covers. I had this idea and she was totally on board for the album. But, I always get the great talented people that don't really want to work hard for free and for their hobby. So, I'm stuck with this song that isn't complete and an album that is on paper. Expect for this song. The main idea is there, but I just need to fine tune some things.
The album would have started off like a old radio drama. Here back in the day before television, you listened to the radio. The main boy is getting a ride to her mothers friends house to be watched while his mother went to work. The mothers friend has a daughter and if you hadn't guessed by know, it's the girl he falls for. Really the other way around, because in this song, the main characters are in high school and this song is where the girl tells him her feelings for him.
I was listening to a lot of dance music, mainly Cascada's Every time We Touch. I love that song so much and it felt right to have it her song to tell her feelings to him. So I wrote a song a lot like what I've heard on that album, and came up with this.
Ten Years Later
After the song, The girl asks if he wanted to go to the dance and he said yes. The school bell rings and they head to sex education and It would start out with an old sex education tape from the 1950's and this really groovy riff would come up and the song was really like a love groove. The main chorus would have both of the characters screaming out "Let's make love!"
Then the girl gets pregnant because the condom breaks and she decides to keep it, but wanting to put it up for adoption. So really the rest of the album plays out like a love comedy movie, but it being a concept album.
I hope one day I find the singers to play the characters in this concept album, but until then, it's just an epic album on paper.
The album would have started off like a old radio drama. Here back in the day before television, you listened to the radio. The main boy is getting a ride to her mothers friends house to be watched while his mother went to work. The mothers friend has a daughter and if you hadn't guessed by know, it's the girl he falls for. Really the other way around, because in this song, the main characters are in high school and this song is where the girl tells him her feelings for him.
I was listening to a lot of dance music, mainly Cascada's Every time We Touch. I love that song so much and it felt right to have it her song to tell her feelings to him. So I wrote a song a lot like what I've heard on that album, and came up with this.
Ten Years Later
After the song, The girl asks if he wanted to go to the dance and he said yes. The school bell rings and they head to sex education and It would start out with an old sex education tape from the 1950's and this really groovy riff would come up and the song was really like a love groove. The main chorus would have both of the characters screaming out "Let's make love!"
Then the girl gets pregnant because the condom breaks and she decides to keep it, but wanting to put it up for adoption. So really the rest of the album plays out like a love comedy movie, but it being a concept album.
I hope one day I find the singers to play the characters in this concept album, but until then, it's just an epic album on paper.
Thank You Kial.
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Meet Billy. |
I thought up this idea when I was walking to the Glenmont Station early this morning to open for American Eagle. I had the main idea but didn't have the punch line until I asked The Girlfriend for some ideas and then BAM! Punch line of death. Haha. I told Chris the punch line and he laughed, so I knew it was good.
Working at the Mall. (American Eagle & Hot Topic)
When you work at American Eagle, you tend to collect things from the store. We got a bust form and we call him Wallace. He was named after the gay roommate in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. We also have two gigantic posters that reach from the ceiling to the floor. But, Chris and I got a big light a few weeks ago. It holds marketing signs and this giant light is behind the signs. American Eagle couldn't use it and they were just going to throw it away. Chris got it home one day and learned that we didn't have any lights for this king size lamp in our living area. My manager gave us twelve long tube lights stretching four feet. We never use it, but I've always had a plan for it. A nice light for photo shoots. Here is one shot I took and cut out the background.
One thing I have learned is that when you work at the mall and you get awesome employee discounts, you tend to buy a lot of cloths.
The Heart of the Matter.
This is the new video with a new twist. The music could be better and I wish I had been using my girlfriends camera, but what can you do. Anyways, I've been trying out this new idea of mine. Telling a story like a silent movie with up to date music. This is one of the videos that kind of starts it all. I'll try to write the music for my next video more like a score. I've never really done this so I'm still working on some things. I've had the biggest problem trying to write the music and the cues I had for the video to match up. I tried my best, but this is not my best and I can do better.
My Roommate slash Biffle Chris is reading a passage from The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene. Before we were roommates, he came over to my place for once and we recorded a reading session. Attention came out of this one and only reading session I had with him. Most of his poetry and this passage. I was trying to get Chris to record a news slash talk show host style for that part but, I recently watched A Scanner Darkly and there was this one scene where one of the characters turns on a radio and It was describing the scene in a creative way that kind of was like the light bulb to a problem I was having for that scene in my video.
Also, you get to see the American Eagle I work at. I was watching for my manager and had my camera on hand and started to record. There's another video I'm working on that involves American Eagle. I'm starting to work on that one.
Patience and Prudence.
One of my favorite movies is "Ghost World". And, One of the cutest songs is in Ghost World and that song is "A Smile and a Ribbon". I really hope one day I can write a song that cute and awesome. Anyways, I just love that song and I drew this just because I wanted too.
Patience and Prudence. "A Smile and a Ribbon"
Mazy The Cat.
When I was younger I made a character named Mazy, Mazy The Cat. I just moved to Vancouver, Canada and my family and I chilled out in a really nice hotel. We had this nice suite thing with 3 bed rooms. Anyways, We were trying to find the perfect home for my step dad , my mom and my bro. While my step dad was at work and my mom playing the latest Metal of Honor, I was reading a Garfield book my mom got me for my like 12th birthday. So I made Mazy and this was the very first and last comic I made of Mazy The Cat.
Growing Old with Coldplay.
I just drew this up while listening to Coldplay's A Rush of Blood To The Head. I wanted to draw a older man just because I saw this guy going into work and I just have this fascination with old people. He didn't look like this, but I do wish to draw more older people.
Psychology Coping.
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Scream |
I was in foster care for a few months in high school. I really liked it, it was a really safe place for me at the time. Which was really good, because I had a lot to work on. Like the lacking relationship with my mother. Anyways, when I was in foster care I drew this in about an hour. There was probably a reason why I drew this. There's a lot of psychology stuff you can draw from this drawing. I've always liked this drawing probably because I was going through a lot in my head and this was a way to cope.
Mad Island.
If you ever seen Waking Life then this kind of style of art would be known to you. It's called Rotoscoping. Anyways, after watching Waking Life and getting my hands dirty with Photoshop, I started taking some photos I found and Painting over them. This one is of my friend Keith Sinclair. I've always liked this piece.
We only recorded one song together. A cover of Mad World by Gary Jules, and that's a cover from the Tears for Fear version. I've gravitated more towards the Gary Jules version. I starting to really get into finger picking on my guitar so I learned the piano part for mad world. I was playing it one day in the band room and he was like I know the vocal parts. We recorded it and here it is.
Keith has his own band right now, that's doing pretty well. Check them out his band No Island, here's their MySpace. We plan to get together when we are both famous and write a epic album together. We said that a few years ago and I still want to write that epic album. I really hope we do one day.
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Scooter Fruit. |
We only recorded one song together. A cover of Mad World by Gary Jules, and that's a cover from the Tears for Fear version. I've gravitated more towards the Gary Jules version. I starting to really get into finger picking on my guitar so I learned the piano part for mad world. I was playing it one day in the band room and he was like I know the vocal parts. We recorded it and here it is.
Mad World
Keith has his own band right now, that's doing pretty well. Check them out his band No Island, here's their MySpace. We plan to get together when we are both famous and write a epic album together. We said that a few years ago and I still want to write that epic album. I really hope we do one day.
I'm a Mad Man.
A few years back, I was living in Brazil and met some pretty awesome people at my school. I had two bands going and wanted to record some stuff with one of them. Annie Oakley were one of the bands I was in. I recorded some what of an ok first recording. I had to write out a midi track for the drums and bass in Guitar Pro 5. I put them in FL Studio's and added the guitar to it later. I recorded the singer and put it together. It sounded pretty ok, but the mic for the vocals was total shit. But, I still put it together and for an idea of what could happen, it sounded nice and I wanted to record more.
I was sitting on this riff for a couple of years and always wanted to have a good singer add some poppy vocals to it. So like the last song I did the same thing. But, This was just the idea of what it could be. I wanted the drummer and the bass player to record their parts. I just made this so we could have a strong rough draft and it was easy, it only took a night. I showed them the song and nothing ever happened after that. I began to get bullied by the bass player and the singer would sometimes join along. The drummer was busy, so he couldn't make practice or even talk to me. Nothing happened and they pretty much kicked me out of the band. The bass player started to play guitar and began to cover Nickelback songs with the singer.
Ever since then really, I have been doing everything by myself. It's easier because I can only depend on myself and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do. And I have the fucking talent to pull it off. I've still tried to put some bands together when I moved to DC, but again, it never worked out. One didn't have the time. Another one jammed with me but, never called me back to start something and joined another band. The last one texted me once about hanging out. The thing is that all these people are really talented.
I don't understand it. Is it because I want something no one has ever heard of and they see me as a mad man. Or, my ideas are so random that people won't understand it and we wouldn't make money. Is it that I give off that vibe that I can do everything and I don't need anyone to play parts.
Well, I call this song "Gato Gato". Gato means cat in Portuguese. In slang it's used for Foxy. She's foxy, Ela gato. Enjoy the unfinished song.
Gato Gato
I was sitting on this riff for a couple of years and always wanted to have a good singer add some poppy vocals to it. So like the last song I did the same thing. But, This was just the idea of what it could be. I wanted the drummer and the bass player to record their parts. I just made this so we could have a strong rough draft and it was easy, it only took a night. I showed them the song and nothing ever happened after that. I began to get bullied by the bass player and the singer would sometimes join along. The drummer was busy, so he couldn't make practice or even talk to me. Nothing happened and they pretty much kicked me out of the band. The bass player started to play guitar and began to cover Nickelback songs with the singer.
Ever since then really, I have been doing everything by myself. It's easier because I can only depend on myself and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do. And I have the fucking talent to pull it off. I've still tried to put some bands together when I moved to DC, but again, it never worked out. One didn't have the time. Another one jammed with me but, never called me back to start something and joined another band. The last one texted me once about hanging out. The thing is that all these people are really talented.
I don't understand it. Is it because I want something no one has ever heard of and they see me as a mad man. Or, my ideas are so random that people won't understand it and we wouldn't make money. Is it that I give off that vibe that I can do everything and I don't need anyone to play parts.
Well, I call this song "Gato Gato". Gato means cat in Portuguese. In slang it's used for Foxy. She's foxy, Ela gato. Enjoy the unfinished song.
Gato Gato
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