
A Song About Parents.

Here is one of my early songs that I wrote. For some reason my Dad enjoyed it and since I suck at singing, he added a great charm to it.

Mom & Dad (Just Don't Understand)


The chord progression is totally stolen from  "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" by The Ramones. It worked.


Our Dream Has Finally Come True!


I finally finished the first strip to the Root Beer & Bromos comic that Chris and I have started together. I have two more strips to draw up that Chris has given me.

Sorry for the simpleness to the drawing, but I really get caught up in what it should look like. I tend to make things more pretty and spend tons of time doing it. So, simple means less time and more time drawing our inside jokes. I will probably set up a new site to make it more like a web comic type thing that I've seen. But, I don't know right now. Blogging is doing fine for me, so meh.

Also, Mazy the Cat has a special debut in this comic. It isn't cannon but It's a running joke with me that I can magically turn into a cat. Chris says how when I made Mazy the Cat, I was basing it off of me and I am Mazy the Cat. I don't really agree with it, but again I don't disagree either. I don't know I just love cats and I made Mazy.




My First Pokémon.

I've been playing Pokémon Black for a while and thought of my very first Pokémon. It was Charmander when I first played the Red version back in the day. I called him Fire for some odd kid like reason. I haven't played it since the Yellow version. So when Chris and I started Pokémon after years from playing it, I had to start with Tepig. Chris started with Oshawott, but I can still kick his ass.



Puff Fish.

Dog: I'll always wait for you.

Been depressed the last few days and trying to get over it, so I'm working on trying to get some old ideas out of the way and in the hands of others.




Ever since my ex-girlfriend cheated on me, I have had a tough time of letting go and moving on. I repeatedly do think about that night when I found out she cheated on me.

She came home drunk as she always did but this time it was with a guy friend I never liked. Another druggy and drunk friend from her past. She told me to go sleep at my Aunts and Uncles place down the road. I refused and she went back out to hang out with her friend.

They began to smoke some pot and make out. I came out and they guy got up in my face telling me how I never provide for her and how he could do better then me. He also didn't have a job and wasn't really looking. I don't think with his record and drug habits he would ever get a job and not run the risk of getting stabbed by a Mexican Gang.

He punched me and the person I am, I broke down crying and yelling at my ex blaming her. Just a little background of why I broke down and started to cry. When I was in school I would always get picked on. I was home schooled for two years because it go so bad, I would beat up my bullies in class. During that time I learned I could bypass the fighting by just laughing it off. I never liked to fight and I found a way to not fight and get the bullies to not pick on me anymore. Ok, now that's out of the way. Back to the story.

I grabbed a knife and fitting the urge to kill him, I sliced my forearm and left the house. My ex began to run after me with the guy following with my car keys telling me to take my car. When I got to the street of the apartment complex a cop car pulled up and called for an ambulance. They picked me up and I began to completely break down. I got seven stitches to my forearm. I moved back into my parents, at the time they were stationed in Lima, Peru.

In Peru, I was extremely depressed. I didn't want to be in Peru at all. After learning that I couldn't kill myself, I ran away and slept on the streets for a night until my parents found me. I made the video that really helped me in so many ways.

This was My Suicide Note to everyone, oddly it struck a chord with me and I fell in love with this piece and It brought me back to wanting to live and create Art.

Oh by the way, I learned that the guy never left the house, tried to kill my ex
and almost got killed by a Mexican Gang.


Justin Bieber Dies In This Video.

I saw a video on YouTube "Justin Bieber getting shot for 10 Minutes". I never knew that he was on CSI: Las Vegas. It's been a long while since I've watched an episode, but after learning about that I wanted to make a mash-up video. It's pretty short but I made a drum beat out of the gun shots.

It's pretty fucking shitty but I was inspired by the video down below. Clapping Music, I thought it was pretty cool so I wanted to try and do something like this... I guess.


I Wear My Jeans Dubstep.

At American Eagle they have this song that plays on the tv in the back of the store. It's a song about all the jeans at American Eagle. Everyone who works at the store thinks the song sucks and I have to agree. I mentioned how I could make a remix of the song to one of the managers and she said to do it, so I did it.

Everyone at work would have to agree that my remix is better.



I drew a version of this on the DS game Art Academy. Kial and I were sitting and waiting for the fireworks to get started in Takoma Park. She pointed out a balloon floating away, up to the sky to never be seen again.

I had a music video cover that Olan Rogers did called The Balloon stuck in my head and also a little sad girl.

while heading home from the subway, I was blasting Sigur Rós and thought of the idea. What if the balloons were her parents? It's sad, I know but so pretty at the same time. But, I always try and find the pretty in sad moments.

Btw, It's so cool that Sigur Rós had a big part of this idea. Thanks Alex for adding the idea of the girl reaching for the balloons.